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Junior Members

Junior Members

Families are encouraged to start a life membership for children to lock in the life membership rate of $300.00 with a $20 down payment. Parent or legal guardian signature is required. Payments can be made at the family’s discretion. Any amount paid while under the age of 18 will be applied to the life membership amount of $300.00.

Junior members of the DAV Auxiliary consist of boys and girls from birth through age 17. They are eligible for membership through a family member who is a DAV Auxiliary member or who served in the military and was honorably discharged.

Children 17 years old and younger are eligible for a complimentary membership that expires the day they turn 18 years old. Parent or legal guardian signature is required.

Junior Auxiliary members have the ability to maintain their own Junior Auxiliary Unit Charter. These juniors will elect a Commander and Senior Vice Commander to conduct meetings, typically at the same time the DAV Auxiliary Unit meets. No bank account shall be opened for a junior auxiliary; however any funds collected through donations or fundraising shall be deposited in the Unit checking account and earmarked for junior projects. There is no charge to obtain a Junior charter, but a minimum of ten Junior members is required.

Junior Auxiliary members have the ability to maintain their own Junior Auxiliary Unit Charter. These juniors will elect a Commander and Senior Vice Commander to conduct meetings, typically at the same time the DAV Auxiliary Unit meets. No bank account shall be opened for a junior auxiliary; however any funds collected through donations or fundraising shall be deposited in the Unit checking account and earmarked for junior projects. There is no charge to obtain a Junior charter, but a minimum of ten Junior members is required.

They can also assist outside of school by participating in social events at local nursing homes or Veteran Administration Medical Centers, parades, flag ceremonies, Welcome Home events, honor flight events, Forget-Me-Not drives, State level fundraising activities at Conventions or Conferences, and much, much more. Junior members do not have to be involved in a junior auxiliary unit to participate.

Do you know a child between the age of 3 and senior in high school whose parent/legal guardian is currently active duty or is a veteran? Does this child want to attend a special camp, participate in a program or extracurricular activities, or have an extenuating circumstance that the family cannot fulfill? Have them apply for a DAVA 4 Kids grant! This new program helps an eligible child with up to $500 so their dreams can become a reality.


DAVA 4 Kids Financial Assistance Request (PDF)

DAVA 4 Kids Consent Form (PDF)

Junior Auxiliary members who meet the necessary requirements may have their names submitted for the National Junior Member of the Year award. This award is based on the junior member’s activities during the selected calendar year. There are three age categories associated with this award. Please find the Junior Award information here.

For those juniors who volunteer at the local VA Medical Centers, parents and guardians should check for local scholarship programs through voluntary services and get more information about the DAV Jesse Brown Youth Scholarship.

Units can show their appreciation of Junior members by using this template to prepare membership cards for them. Copy the template onto a sheet of substantial paper stock, fill in the junior’s information and present it to them. Let your juniors experience DAVA pride with their special identification card.

Junior Membership Card Template (PDF) 

Reward Junior members with a Certificate of Appreciation. In our ongoing efforts to encourage youth involvement and instill a strong sense of patriotism, this certification of appreciation has been designed to assist units with recognition of junior member activities. Simply print off the certificate and show them how much their efforts are appreciated.

Junior Certificate of Appreciation (PDF) 

Did you know Junior History Books can be submitted for judging on the national level at the national convention? Many units have active Junior members and it is worth the effort to create a lasting memory and capture the history of activities throughout the year. The history book can be an event for the Juniors to work on together and take pride in their final project as they relive their experiences. If submitting for national judging, use this document as a reference tool for coordinating the Junior History Book. Be creative, but most of all have fun!

Junior Unit History Book Grading Sheet (PDF)