DAV Auxiliary > FAQs
Extended family members of an honorably discharged veteran (includes all veterans – whether disabled or not disabled) or extended family of DAV Auxiliary members may join the organization.
DAV Auxiliary Education Scholarship Program for students meeting the eligibility criteria of up to $2,500. The organization is redeveloping a Service Program to expand services to disabled veteran families. DAVA for Kids assists with transportation expenses for military children to attend Camp Corral, a camp dedicated to children of military members for their own reflection and growth. The Caregiver Initiative Program, launched in 2018, focuses on veteran caregivers respite care and advocacy.
The fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30.
Units are required to pay an annual $25 national mandate which, in most cases, is deducted from the unit’s membership distribution. Should there not be ample membership distribution, an indebtedness statement will be sent quarterly advising the unit as to the remaining amount owed for their national mandate.
The audit committee shall consist of three senior members excluding the Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander (when signing warrants, vouchers, check requests), Adjutant, and Treasurer. Members of the State Finance Committee may not serve on the State Department Audit Committee.
The Treasurer establishes and maintains a bank account in the name of the Unit, Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary. The three required authorized Unit signatures shall be the Commander, Senior Vice Commander, and Treasurer.
Any of the three authorized account signers have the authority to check/review the account status.
Two signatures are required on all unit checks. Authorized unit signers are: Commander, Treasurer, and Senior Vice Commander (in the absence of the Commander or Treasurer).
Funds can only be paid out on properly signed warrants/vouchers/check requests as voted upon by the Unit or in accordance with Unit Standing Rules. The Adjutant shall initiate and sign all warrants/vouchers/check requests and have them cosigned by the Commander. In the absence of the Adjutant, the Junior Vice Commander shall sign all warrants/vouchers/check requests. The Treasurer may then issue a check.
Membership dues should be sent to Auxiliary national headquarters immediately to allow for timely processing and membership card mailing.
Yes! Beginning in 2007, the IRS required all non-profit units and state departments with gross receipts less than $50,000 to file the 990-N e-Postcard. Units and state departments with gross receipts of more than $50,000 are required to file IRS Form 990 (or variation of, depending on gross receipts).
After three consecutive years of not filing a 990-N e-Postcard, the IRS will revoke the tax exempt status of a unit or state department. Upon said revocation the affected units/state departments will be required to fill out IRS Form 1024, IRS Form 8718, submit a copy of the unit/state department charter, a copy of the national constitution and bylaws, and a fee (generally $700) to IRS for reinstatement. Copies of each must also be sent to national headquarters. Until reinstatement has been achieved the unit/state department membership distribution will be held by the national organization.
Four senior members shall constitute a quorum. One member present must be the Unit Commander or a Unit Vice Commander.
It is recommended that units establish standing rules to cover unique situations specific to that particular unit. Standing rules may be changed at any regular business meeting by vote of the unit members present.
No. As a member of this organization, the Commander has the right to cast their vote on any issue.
If, for some reason, the Commander cannot attend a meeting, this would not be grounds to cancel a meeting as the bylaws allow for the Senior Vice Commander (or Junior Vice Commander) to fill that role and conduct the meeting. In the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances that would prevent members from attending a meeting, these would be instances where a meeting is cancelled by the Commander with proper member notification.
Yes. The Commander, Senior Vice Commander, and Adjutant can log in under their membership number and password. The system will recognize you as an officer and certain permissions will allow you to generate reports under the “Request for Information” tab. Contact national headquarters in the event of questions, or if the “Request for Information” tab is not visible upon log in.
This identifies the type of membership they hold. F = Full-paid life member; P = Part-paid life member; J = Junior member.
Q = the unit has achieved the established quota set for that membership year; I = this is an Independent unit that has no parent chapter.
These letters were established many years ago to identify unit status. B = the unit has achieved (Beat) Quota for the current membership year; R = the unit has Reached last year’s total membership, but has not met quota.
Any communications from the national organization shall be sent to the unit adjutant whose responsibility is to appropriately disseminate the information.
Make junior members feel welcome by including them in unit activities. Educate them on what the DAV Auxiliary does and how they are a vital part of the future of the organization. Information on juniors can be found on the DAV Auxiliary website. Junior memberships are complimentary.
No, a junior charter is not required.
Send a request to National Headquarters with a list of the juniors to be on the charter. The list will be compared to the current membership list to make sure no juniors are excluded. There is no fee for a junior charter.
The chapter suspension does not include suspension of the Auxiliary unit and does not affect unit functions or voting strength at state or national conventions. If your unit approves a fund raiser, though, the parent chapter will not be able to grant approval (under suspension) and the unit must contact the DAV state department for said approval.
The reason for the hold status will be explained in a letter to the unit Adjutant and/or Commander. While on hold, units can meet and carry out the normal business of the unit as well as vote at state and national conventions (provided the unit itself is not indebted to the organization). The effect it will have on the unit is that fund distribution and mailings are withheld.
The DAV Auxiliary has an Education Scholarship. More information is available on the website, or by calling national headquarters. The deadline for the application is typically mid-March
Contact national headquarters by phone (859.441.7300, option #8) or email ([email protected]) and they will be happy to forward you an electronic or printed version of the application.
The unit should always follow the chain of command. If an issue cannot be resolved on the unit level, the state department should be contacted for assistance. Should a state department not be able to assist in resolving an issue, it should then be brought to the attention of national headquarters. Any requests for national headquarters assistance should be submitted in writing with as much detail as possible.
Please contact national headquarters or send an email to [email protected] with the quantity of items needed and where they should be sent. These items are free of charge and are sent from national headquarters. Please limit requests to 250.
Yes! The logo may be used on stationery, business cards, name badges, etc. Items bearing the organization’s logo may be sold to other members at cost, but never for profit. In other words, the logo may not be used on items as a fundraiser.