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Annual Report Forms

Annual Report Forms

Fillable report forms are being provided to assist units with the preparation of their annual reports.

  • Enter your unit’s activities on the various program reports
    • Print the forms
    • Mail the designated number of copies to your respective state departments
    • The dates to be used for reporting in the annual reports should correspond to the dates of your convention.

Do not send the completed forms to national headquarters as they are to be judged on the state level. Following the state convention, the state adjutant will forward the first-place reports to DAV Auxiliary National Headquarters for judging at the national convention.

Your members are to be commended for their commitment to serving disabled veterans and their families. Keep up the good work!

The Americanism program is about promoting/practicing admirable patriotic and Americanism customs by encouraging flag presentations and displays, political election participation, services and parades honoring veterans, citizenship, etc. Units conducting special Americanism programs should fill out the Special Americanism Program Report.

Americanism (PDF)

Americanism (DOC)

Special Americanism (PDF)

Special Americanism (DOC)

Community Service Program Change – Effective immediately, the DAV Auxiliary Community Service Program includes activities that explicitly benefit veterans and their immediate families. Do not report activities unrelated to veteran family services.

Community Service (PDF)

Community Service (DOC)

The DAV Auxiliary encourages Junior member involvement in all programs of the organization. Learning by example, juniors experience first-hand the rewards of volunteerism and service to the community as well as the significance of honoring our nation’s veterans.

Junior Activities (PDF)

Junior Activities (DOC)

The DAV Auxiliary recognizes the most outstanding junior in each of three age categories. This questionnaire explains the requirements for award eligibility.

Junior Award (PDF)

Junior Award (DOC)

Units and members are urged to support all veterans’ legislative issues on local, state, and federal levels. This report asks for bills and contact information.

Legislative (PDF)

Legislative (DOC)

Members volunteer their time in the VA system in a variety of capacities, and units sponsor and contribute to various projects and programs. This report provides units the opportunity to record volunteer hours, cash donations, and to describe any VAVS fund raising events they may have sponsored.



The Mae Holmes report is a summation of the activities and information reported on the individual program reports. The Mae Holmes award is presented to the units, within their respective membership categories, that most successfully participated in all DAV Auxiliary programs. The totals reflected on this report should agree with the other unit reports.

Mae Holmes (PDF)

Mae Holmes (DOC)