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National Commander Commentary

National Commander Commentary

AnnMarie Hurley, Auxiliary National Commander

Gratitude and reflection

It’s hard to believe that my time as Auxiliary national commander is almost up. It’s even harder to share the immensity of so many memories in so little space.

When I think about you, our Auxiliary members, I’m reminded of a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: “We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just one step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.”

I am so grateful for the tireless hours you spent this last year visiting and supporting our veterans in VA hospitals. In so many ways and in countless communities across the nation, the abundance of encouragement you have given our veterans in their DAV chapters has earned my deep admiration.

Thank you for what you contribute to our society on a regular basis. Your actions have defined this very special year.

In March, I had the honor of walking in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston with DAV National 1st Junior Vice Commander Coleman Nee and Department of Massachusetts Commander Robert Kinsman. It was magical to see thousands of people cheering as we went by. Many reached out to give us high-fives.

We touched thousands of hands that day, and many people thanked us for our service. It was an amazing experience, but I was and still am keenly aware that they were thanking us for the work you’ve accomplished this past year.

The Auxiliary is an organization that thrives on action. Your hard work encourages new members to join. Whether you’re visiting a hospital or putting on an event for veterans, it’s a blessing to see the example you show your families through your work in the veteran community.

It’s an incredible honor being part of the Auxiliary. Your strength and tenacity make us a force of good. Thank you for your support and for allowing me these last words as your Auxiliary commander.

If you want to find out more about the Auxiliary National Commander, you can find her biography here.