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Fundraising Guidelines

Fundraising Guidelines


Under no circumstances may fundraising solicitations be sent by mail, email, or posted on internet/social media, nor in any way which gains access to support outside of their geographic boundaries.  Exception:  If the unit mails a newsletter to their Auxiliary members, a fundraiser solicitation may be included in the body of that newsletter provided that the fundraiser: 1) is to benefit a specific project; 2) has received necessary approval.  Said fundraiser solicitation shall not in any way be the primary purpose of the newsletter.


DAV Auxiliary units or state departments desiring to engage in fundraising projects involving, directly or indirectly, contracts of any nature shall be required to obtain prior approval from their DAV state department and the DAV National Executive Committee (NEC).  If a contract is involved with any fundraiser, prior to signing, the DAV state department will submit a copy to DAV National Headquarters for review and approval of the DAV NEC.


Fundraisers that do not involve general public donation solicitation:

  • Unit fundraisers must be first discussed and approved by membership majority at a regular business meeting.
  • If the fundraising solicitation is only among members and family/friends of members, no prior DAV chapter or DAV department approval shall be required for a fundraising project where the gross receipts will be less than $5,000. (If gross receipts are anticipated to be greater than $5,000, then units must seek chapter and DAV department approval.)
  • Advance written notice of thirty days to the DAV state department is required on all fundraising activities.
  • Fundraising must be in compliance with federal, state, and local laws.

Fundraisers that involve general public donation solicitation:

  • Unit fundraisers must be first discussed and approved by membership majority at a regular business meeting.
  • Written permission request is then submitted to the parent chapter for approval. (In cases where there is no parent chapter, units must submit the written request to the DAV state department).
  • Upon chapter approval, said chapter must submit the approved unit fundraising request to the respective DAV state department. (Units may forward the fundraising request to the DAV state department on the chapter’s behalf, if necessary.)
  • The DAV Department Executive Committee (DEC) shall then determine if approval is warranted and will notify the unit.
  • To reiterate, any fundraising project which involves the general public requires chapter and DAV department approval.

Forget-Me-Not Drives:

Units wishing to conduct Forget-Me-Not drives only require the approval of their parent chapter.  Ref. DAV National Bylaws, Article 15, Section 15.3, Para.5. with advance written notice of thirty days to the DAV state department.


State department fundraisers require approval of the DAV Auxiliary state executive committee.  A written request must then be submitted to the DAV State Department for consideration by the DAV DEC.  Written notice is then provided to the Auxiliary State Department.


  • The Auxiliary logo or seal may be used on fundraising projects provided appropriate fundraising approval has been received.
  • Approval is not required for logo/seal usage on stationery items, business cards, name badges, hats, shirts, etc., and other items that promote the name and positive mission of the organization.
  • Items bearing the DAV Auxiliary seal or logo may be sold to other members of the organization at cost, but may not be used to generate revenue.

Fundraising FAQ’s

Q.  Can my unit solicit funds using social media and other internet means?
A.  No. Fundraisers must be confined to the chartered territory of the unit. By virtue of use of the internet and/or social media, the Unit would be soliciting and generating income from well beyond its chartered territory.

Q.  Can my unit advertise our fundraising event on social media and in our community paper?
A.  Certainly. You may advertise the event on social media and in the local community paper as an invitation to attend. However, you may not directly ask for donations or provide an address to where donations may be sent.

Q.  Our unit wants to conduct a Forget-Me-not Fundraiser to be held over two weekends in locations covering the northern part of our state. Is this acceptable?
A.  An Auxiliary unit, with its chapter’s prior consent, may conduct one Forget-Me-Not Drive annually. The drive may not infringe on the territory of another DAV chapter or Auxiliary unit. Also, the event shall not exceed a total of seven days (not required to be consecutive days).  Always notify the DAV state department of the Forget-Me-Not drive dates no less than thirty days in advance